Explore our library of TEDx Basel talks, all filmed independently throughout the course of our events. Our speakers cover a huge range of ideas and thoughts which they decided to share with us.

To help you navigate, the talks have been sorted by TEDx Basel event.

TEDxBasel 2022

TEDxBasel 2022 Nerdy by Nature took place on May 7th at the beautiful Natural History Museum of Basel. This year’s edition brought together nerds from all fields and all parts of the world together, finally in person and in Basel. Our brilliant speakers talked about the importance of sleep, beautiful monsters living with us, how to embrace mediocrity or an abundant life and much more. Check out our speakers here.

TEDxBasel 2021

TEDxBasel 2021 Radical Reframe took place virtually on Thursday 3rd June 2021. From addiction to eulogies: we had it all. Ten live speakers took the stage (screen) and they covered topics ranging from how to integrate play into caregiving, understanding that we require a workplace that can accept our emotional selves, and how the moon does indeed affect our sleep! There was something for everyone attending regardless of their interests, and we are sure we all left with something radically reframed! Check out our speakers here.

TEDxBasel 2020

TEDxBasel2020: Virtual took place on May 1st. It was carefully curated and delivered virtually due to the COVID-19 situation. Talks included insights into how COVID-19 is being tracked through genetic sequencing, how young singles have upped their dating game during social distancing, how leaders can keep a team united, our 3 Minute Pop-up Talk winner and much more. In addition, our partners ran some exciting break out sessions for the audience to participate in. Check out the talks from the event below and find out more about the event here.


TEDxBasel 2019

TEDxBasel2019 took place on the 11th of May at the Musical Theater in Basel. 2019 saw the biggest TEDxBasel event to date with over 900 attendees, the feedback from this event was overwhelmingly positive resulting in the highest rated event this far. Check out some of the thrilling talks below and find out more about our speakers here.


TEDxBasel 2018

TEDxBasel 2018 took place on the 26 May at the Musical Theater in Basel. Over 800 people joined to hear topics ranging from unicycling to communicating without words. Find out a little more about our speakers here and enjoy some of their fantastic talks from the day below.

TEDxBasel 2017 

On the 11th of June 2017, TEDxBasel once again took place in the Musical Theater Basel. With over 600 attendees, 11 speakers, several pop up entrants, and one winner, it was a brilliant day for everyone. Want to know more about our speakers? Learn more about them here.

TEDxBasel 2016 

In the spirit of Ideas worth spreading our TEDx Basel 2016 event took place on the 28th of May in the Musical Theater Basel. The room was packed with fascinating ideas, inspirational people and an enthusiastic audience. From an Auschwitz survivor's story to a personalised virtual reality experience, it was a day packed with new ideas and great people. To find out more about our speakers click here.

TEDxBasel 2015

TEDx Basel 2015 took place the Naturhistorisches Museum Basel on the 9th of May 2015. Our 200 plus guests were able to participate in 9 live talks including two performances. 
Our 9 speakers and performers, led the narrative of our theme Past, Present, Future in examining history, current developments and the future in a variety of topics: technology, urban planning, social interaction and personal and local stories. Our speakers and performers were a wonderful representation of the inspiring people, unique ideas and cutting edge developments that can be found in our city. Find out more about our speakers here.


Our first TEDx event was TEDxGundeldingen which took place on the 14th of November 2013. It was a full house that welcomed these 10 speakers to share their ideas. This first event was our inspiration to expand our outreach and set up TEDxBasel.