TEDxBasel Women 2020
TEDxBaselWomen 2020 took place virtually on Wednesday 2nd December 2020. Six live speakers took the stage (screen) and they covered topics ranging from Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, diversity in education and outlooks on the current world of work. The theme for TEDWomen 2020 was Fearlessness and our speakers certainly covered this theme in many ways.
A huge thank you to those that joined for this inspiring evening together. We hope that you also enjoyed the evening as much as we did. In delivering this event we were reminded how great our TEDxBasel community is, that we can still come together in times of social distancing.
A huge thank you goes to all our amazing speakers who inspired, intrigued and left us with their ideas worth spreading. Thank you also to all of our partners for their generous support in this special event.
If you missed the event be sure to check the videos of our speakers talks below!
Read our FAQs here
A huge thank you to our TEDxBaselWomen 2020 Partners, you can find out more about them here.